Employees sit longer and longer each day. Especially now that people are working from home more often. Working from home gives more flexibility. Research however, has shown that this also causes more complaints to the neck, back, shoulders and certainly that it also has an impact on the mind. Stress, burnout and depression are becoming more and more common.


Every employer wants their employees to be happy, healthy and motivated. In these times, the employees do not have it easy, but there is certainly something you can do about it. Not only to remedy the complaints but also to prevent the complaints. Everyone knows that employees on sick leave cost (a lot of) money. So why not do everything you can as management to keep your employees healthy and fit? Show that you care about your employees. Increase trust and engagement within the workforce. A happy, healthy employee gets better results.

How do you do this? Let Physiotherapy Ramon Verdel help you with this. I have years of experience in helping employees on-site. For example, in Rome I helped the staff and students at International Organizations (including NATO) and International Highschools.


Work-related complaints can arise from incorrect work posture, overload (or under-load), stress or a wrong diet. Physiotherapy Ramon Verdel offers a tailor-made solution for every company to remedy and / or prevent these complaints. It is very important that employees and employers are listened to. A 1 size fits all approach does not work. Tell me what your situation is and together we can put together a package that represents your company.

Thanks to my international experience, I can speak to you and your employees in Dutch, English, German and Italian. I also understand Spanish.

Components of a tailored package can be:

  • Physiotherapy

  • Active Release Techniques

  • Ergonomic advice

  • Chair massage
  • Nutritional advice & supplementation
  • Personal Training


I would be happy to visit you without any obligation, to see what is best for your company!